Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts

For most travellers, luxury is a must, no matter where you are. Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is a company based in Hong-Kong, stretching over many continents and hotel brands, all offering luxury in different forms, and it’s not just hotel rooms they specialise The Myst in. The main hotel brand is famous for its selection of fine dining and other hospitality options.

Founded back in 1971 with its first hotel in Singapore, Shangri-La is a relatively old player in the hotel market, and they have set a high standard for competitors coming in to the market today. In total, the brand encompasses over 95 hotels throughout Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East and North America.

Shangri-La Hotel Inspiration

Shangri-La was initially inspired by the mythical oasis which played a pivotal role in �Lost Horizon’ written by James Hilton in 1933. This paradise, or oasis, is represented throughout all of the hotels …

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Singapore Chinese Girls School Academic Programmes

The Singapore Chinese Girls School (SCGS) education ideology originates from our solid faith in demonstrating an all-encompassing and standard education established on a bedrock of immortal qualities and rich legacy. We are focused on supporting each student to develop her interests and fitness, to accomplish her own best.

The school ethics of Sincerity, Courage, Generosity, and Service link our vision and mission. They have given us a prized legacy of over 100 years and supported numerous remarkable ladies of character and importance who are pioneers in their particular fields.

SCGS creates in students 21st Century abilities to be prepared to flourish in a quickly evolving world. We underline the improvement of students to become:

True Collaborators

Fearless Change Makers

Liberal Contributors

Hireling Leaders

This is done through the three mainstays of our SCGS training: the Talent Development Program, Character and Leadership Excellence Program and Living and Lifeskills Program.

Ability Development

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Orchard Road Shopping and Entertainment

It’s fascinating to be in one of the most acclaimed precincts in the world for shopping, entertainment or having dinner. Orchard Street is 2.2 kilometers long flanked with shopping malls, pedestrians’ shopping centers, coffee chains, five-star hotels, and nightclubs. Orchard Road is a tourist attraction center in Singapore due to its charming environment and welfare for the visitors given by Orchard Road Business Association.

Where is the Road located?

Orchard road is in the central area of Singapore. It is a famous shopping belt and also attracting thousands of tourists who visit Singapore. To the east, the street is bordered by Newton. Southwards is the river valley and a museum. There are numerous underground infrastructures at orchard street, among them pedestrian walkways between buildings.

How to shop at Orchard Road

This street that is full of life starts at Hillhaven a junction with Orange grove road, and the first thing …

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Newton Food Centre in Singapore City Centre

Singapore is famous for its scrumptious cuisine and a rich culture of different kinds of food. One of the most famous eateries and food centers is the Newton Food Centre located in Newton, Singapore.

Newton Food Centre Opened in 1971

Newton Food Centre was opened in 1971 to serve the locals. However, with its growing fame for the sampling of Singaporean cuisine, the center has risen to become a tourist attraction site. Due to this, the government of Singapore decided to renovate the center in 2005 to give it a modern look and increase the number of tourists who would come to the area to sample the delicacies found in Singapore. On 1 July 2006, the food center was opened back to the public after a series of revamping and quality measures to improve it.

Renovations at Newton Food Centre

These renovations led to a number of changes at the …

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Raffles Girl Secondary School in Singapore

Raffles Girls School is an exemplary girls’ school in Singapore. The school is privately owned and is one of the oldest secondary schools in the country having been established in 1879. It enrolls over 1800 female students and uses a motto of “Daughters of a better age.” Raffles Girl Secondary School is undoubtedly among the top secondary schools in Singapore, due to both co-curricular and educational excellence. The school provides its students with a Raffles program of a six-year period. The program cumulates Orchard Boulevard Residences Condo in the advanced level Singapore GCE (General Certificate in Education) examination. Located at 20 Anderson Road, Singapore 259978, the school has been awarded multiple awards including the School Excellence Award. An award for the recognition of exemplary school practices and processes.

Raffles Girls Brief History

Raffle Girls School was once a part of the Raffles Institution. The Girls department was launched in 1844 …

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Anglo Chinese School Educational Institution

Relax, sit tight for being about to take you through an innumerable journey of discovering something I would consider the new world wonder on the list that is already existing. This wonder is non-other, but Anglo-Chinese School founded way back in 1886. It’s a non-relenting education center that is a magnanimous world phenomenon. Everything about them is something I know you would cherish and that would make you wish you were a part of them, Park Hill by association or membership or your children studied in it.

Anglo Chinese School Near to The Hyde Condo

I hope you never forgot to sit tight because what am about to unleash regarding this fantastic school might catch you off guard. Looking at the sense of belonging students have concerning their school and pride is more than I would desire if I were a manager of a school myself. The love spread and …

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